Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Special Christmas Clock!

 One year for Christmas, my coworker gave each of us in our work group a beautifully wrapped gift.
 Before she handed us our gifts, she asked the six of us to wait and open our gifts at the same time.
When we opened our Christmas boxes, we found this beautiful Christmas clock with a snow scene of Mr. Snowman and his family in front of a pine tree backdrop, a blue sky, with snow all around.
When you look at the scene, you feel like the Snowman family is right outside your window looking in at you. Do you agree?
When I brought the clock home and my son placed it on the wall next to my front door, he stood back and said "Time is like looking through a window of opportunity". 
Time means many things to each of us and clocks help us keep track of time.
To me, this clock is magical because it is a gift from a wonderful coworker I will never forget. 
It's also a reminder of the wisdom my son shared when he placed the clock by my front door where I see it when I both leave and return to my home.  The clock also reminds me the Snowman has a happy family that is always watching me...



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